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  • barbaraleckie

Student Time Observation: Kitchen Time

Kitchen Time

For this week’s time observation piece, I decided to ignore the usual typesof technology used for time (ie: kitchen timer) and tried to experiment with timing out each aspect of my morning breakfast based on each other. Rather than using the kitchen timer, I used the cook progression of my eggs to determine the time as to when to start the other aspects of my breakfast so that they were all hot and ready at the same time. To my surprise, I was very successful, even more than when I use a physical timer.

The reason that I was so surprised is because I usually rely on kitchen timers to make sure that everything is ready at the same time. I did not expect to be so successful, nor did I expect to enjoy cooking breakfast as much as I did.This experiment with time allowed me to realize the small level of anxiety that comes with setting kitchen timers, which in turn, takes away from the experience of truly enjoying the activity I’m engaging in. I did not realize how much of a difference this made in my day-to-day routine, and will most likely experiment with this again in the future. This morning got my day off to a really great start, and I feel more in-tune with myself and my surroundings than I usually would.Overall, this was a very pleasant observation of time.

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