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  • barbaraleckie

Student Time Observation: Candles

It is 9:39 pm Eastern Time on Friday, September 24th, 2021 and I am sitting in my dark bedroom, watching the flame of my candle sway and listening to the cars speed by through my window. Watching my candle is simply making me think, when will the flame go out? It is like life. One day that flame will go out, I don’t know when, I don’t know how but at one point it will and so will life. We don’t know how much time we have left on this earth or how we will be taken from this beautiful planet so we must not take the time we have left for granted. A gust of wind could blow through my window in 5 minutes and wipe away the flame, or it may not - we will never truly know until that moment in time. I want to live my life that way. I want to spend every moment in time living my life to the fullest and being the best version of myself today, not tomorrow because tomorrow may not come. The candle may go out. People in this world stress too much about their entire lives instead of capturing moments in the now. Time is so precious and we as humans take that for granted. Our time on this earth will run out but instead of worrying when our light might darken, we should do everything we can to keep brightening that flame.

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